Saturday, January 13, 2007

Indy's Great Decisions Discussion Series

Two organizations in Indianapolis are hosting “Great Decisions” discussion series in 2007: Church of the Savior and the Indiana Council on World Affairs.

Great Decisions, a global affairs education program, is sponsored by Foreign Policy Association.

Themes are selected each year to engage citizens in learning about the world. The Briefing Book” provided by the FPA places the thematic or geographic issue in historical context and provides background, current policies and alternative policy options. Photographs, maps, charts and editorial cartoons illustrate the text. Discussion questions, annotated reading suggestions and additional resources, including websites, are provided. An opinion ballot for the National Opinion Ballot Report accompanies each topic so that readers can express their views, according to the FPA.

The schedule at Church of the Savior, 6205 Rucker Road, Indianapolis is:

  • "Global Climate Change", 7 p.m. 31 January

  • ”Mexico”, 7 p.m. 7 February

  • ”International Migration”, 7 p.m. 14 February

  • ”South Africa”, 7 p.m. 21 February

  • ”War Crimes”, 7 p.m. 28 February

  • ”Central Asia”, 7 p.m. 7 March

  • ”Children and International Conflict”, 13 March

The schedule for the ICWA series, held in the Pharmacy Building at Butler University in Indianapolis is:

  • ”Global Climate Change”, 7 p.m. 6 February

  • ”Middle East”, 7 p.m. 13 February

  • ”Mexico”, 7 p.m. 20 February

  • ”Global Migration”, 7 p.m. 27 February

  • ”South Africa”, 7 p.m. 6 March

  • ”War Crimes”, 7 p.m. 13 March

  • ”Central Asia”, 7 p.m. 20 March

For more information, see John Clark’s IndyBuzz.


There's also a Great Decisions series underway this year at Mid-North Shepherd Center in North United Methodist Church in Indianapolis. Information, email or 317:924-0959. Their session on global climate change is 4 April.

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